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L’Oréal Paris

Beauty Tutorials

L’Oréal Paris

Beauty Tutorials


CameraVIRUS & Arthur Oleszuk



We shot several tutorial videos for L’Oréal and locked ourselfs in one of the Woodland studios for 3 days. Thanks to Miriam Jacks we could proudly call ourselfs beauty professionals in the end. This is our Director’s Cut. Check out some of the Tutorials below.

L'Oreal Eyeliner

L'Oreal Spiky Lashes

L'Oreal Business Look

The Setup

We shot the tutorials with two setups of Canon C300 and Cooke S4 Lenses. One was mounted on a dolly with a circular track and the other was a handheld or tripod setup. The dolly cam did the wide shots while the other took care of close ups. We built up the B-Cam as compact as possible to make it more flexible for the easy-rig use. That came in handy because we ended up doing lots of these for a more natural feel to the intro and outro. You can see more of these shots in our Director's Cut on top.

We looked fabulous

Thanks to Make-Up artist Michi Schietzel we were also able to enjoy the benefits of looking nice and ready for a night out. It may creep you out, but come on..it's 2019. We wore it with pride.

Also a big thanks to the lighting crew of Woodland Studios who did an awesome job once again!