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MediaMarkt Saturn & Apple

Role Player

MediaMarkt Saturn & Apple

Role Player

ClientMediaMarkt Saturn & Apple

Agency Saatchi & Saatchi

DirektorDimitri "Dima" Tsvetkov

DoPDennis Glomm

A new MacBook Air is simply dope! Now you just have to convince your boring parents to buy it. The comedy TikToker FionnTime reveals a few hot tricks to do so in our social media spots, made for the cooperation between MeidaMarkt Saturn & Apple, especially for Gen-Z as target group … But don’t let your parents catch you fibbing! In any case, we had a magnificent time shooting in Berlin with Saatchi & Saatchi and Dimitri Tsvetkov. Next time we’ll also have semetschki for lunch, we promise!

MMSxApple - Power



Whether behind the camera, in front of the camera or at the preview monitor with the customer, the focus is always on getting the best out of the day's shooting. We started the shoot on a Sunday in an empty MediaMarkt store in Alexa in Berlin. In the afternoon, we moved with the whole team to a location on the northern outskirts of Berlin.


It was a long but great day of filming that brought the whole team together. It was an honor to come together with such great people to create and tame this day together. And at the very end, when they shouted “it's a wrap”, we quickly got together for a nice team photo before the wrap-beer bottles were deservedly opened.